Thursday, July 4, 2019

Welcome to my home

This is a series of little paintings ( 18 x 23 cm )
of items/collections in my home.
Lately after a shoulder operation and lost of interest in painting 
I decided to start this Daily painting challenge.
With this challenge I am first setting out only to paint 50 paintings of  items in my home. 
These are the first 4 paintings.
 My Burleigh cup
Oil on Frederic board
23 x 18 cm

Pewter creamer
Oil on Frederic board
23 x 18 cm

My bottle collection
Oil on Frederic board
23 x 18 cm

Tiny enamel jug
Oil on Frederic board
23 x 18 cm

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Friday, June 30, 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Field study

Oil and mixed media on acrylic paper
Size: 65 x 55 cm
Price: @

Sunnyside blooms

Oil and mixed media on canvas
Size: 70 x 55 cm
Price: @

Wholesome goodness

Oil on streched canvas
Size; 50 x 60 cm
Price: @

Mrs Susan

Oil and mixed media on canvas
Size: 70 x 5 cm
Price: @